The main objectives of Alpana Women Society under swaranyosocial organization are: GENDER PERSPECTIVE IN THE STUDY OF WOMEN It has been asserted that in any human society the dominant group generates and controls the model of expression of social reality in their own terms. Human history shows that man dominates the world of expression to outsiders at different levels of interactions. The females, being a dominated group are expected to express their life experiences in a male defined model. But the women’s life experiences cannot be expressed through such male dominated model. So the women do not get any medium to express their views and they get muted (Ardener, 1975). Thus, there emerged new trends in analysis of social realities through female’s perspectives re-looking at anthropological and ethnographic data collected through different space and time. The general perception about women’s work reveals that women are primarily involved in works related to household and family responsibility, child care, family food security, caring cattle and supplementing family’s subsistence economy. Land and forest, remain primary resources on which the tribal women depend for fulfilling most of such responsibilities. But instances drawn from across the world show that these are not exclusive work of women. The role of women may venture into the domain which is usually perceived as men’s domain. The value attached to certain works and control over the skill to do those works possesses crucial importance to determine women’s status.Lifecycle Approach: Tribal Children, their families and the community.
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